The Rotary E-Club of Melbourne, with a decade-long history of pioneering the adoption of technology within Rotary, continues to act as a catalyst for clubs to optimize their use of technology. Under the leadership of President Stephen Sennett, a technology consultant and educator specializing in cloud technology and AI, District 9800 conducted a series of interactive workshops to educate both Rotarians and Rotaractors on how to utilize ChatGPT, particularly for enhancing Public Image.
Rotary members from over twenty Districts globally participated in these workshops via Zoom. The sessions not only covered the practical applications of ChatGPT but also delved into the theory behind its operation and potential challenges.
While powerful, Artificial Intelligence has its limitations. Systems like ChatGPT simulate near-human intelligence by generating high-quality natural language. However, they lack the capacity for logical reasoning that humans possess. Therefore, while the output may sound convincing, it may contain assertions that are potentially misleading or incorrect.
AI tools cannot solve all the world’s problems, and their indiscriminate use can pose risks. Nonetheless, the latest-generation models, with their advanced natural language capabilities, are well-suited to many tasks related to Public Image work, providing relief for busy Rotary members.
“Generative AI isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but it can be an incredibly powerful tool when applied to the right problems", suggests Stephen Sennett, who developed the workshop program.
Marketing departments and firms globally are harnessing technologies such as ChatGPT to enhance their capabilities. Rotary should not be an exception. The future of Rotary is digital, and it's high time we fully embrace it. Start a conversation with your fellow club members today. Identify those already using this technology and encourage them to share their experiences and potential applications within the club. If you're already using it, explore some of the 'ChatGPT Prompts' used by marketing professionals. As you delve deeper into AI, remember to tread carefully, understanding its potentials and limitations for a more efficient and safer use.
Stephen Sennett (president@rotaryeclubofmelbourne.org.au)