Vocational Training Teams (VTT)

Vocational training teams are groups of professionals who travel abroad either to teach local professionals about a particular field, or to learn more about their own.
Teams can be funded by district grants and/or global grants.
Districts, Clubs or Clusters can initiate VTT Programs
VTTs build on the Foundation’s long-standing commitment to vocational training. A successful VTT increases the capacity of the host community to solve problems and improve the quality of life.
Teams share a common purpose in support of one or more of The Rotary Foundation’s six areas of focus. D9800 VTTs have included:
  • A multi-year program training and up-skilling midwives in Timor Leste to improve Maternal and Child Healthcare outcomes.
  • Teacher training in Cambodia and 2018
Chair: PDG Julie Mason (Wyndham)