Bernie Gerlinger, a Rotarian who did so much for his club and District 9800, is being remembered with a scholarship in his name. There is an opportunity to be part of this initiative to acknowledge Bernie’s life and work.
In memory of Bernie, Rotary Central Melbourne (RCM) has established the Bernie Gerlinger Hope for the Future Scholarships. Bernie, together with his wife Marjorie, was a dedicated and long-serving Rotarian who left a lasting impression on District 9800. As he was particularly interested in the development and mentoring of young people, this scholarship is truly a fitting tribute to Bernie’s life and work.
The Hope for the Future Scholarships provide support for young people at primary and secondary level to attend school by meeting some of their material needs and providing mentoring and guidance support. They are run in partnership with the Steps Outreach Service (STEPS), which is a program of Concern Australia.
To support the scholarships, RCM members have made donations in Bernie’s memory. If they wish, there is now an opportunity for the many friends of Bernie from District 9800 and beyond to also make a contribution to the scholarship fund.
If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Kevin Love at who will advise you how to do so.