Club Vision
Club Vision Facilitation Program
The motto “Service Above Self” has been providing Rotarians with a reason for belonging almost since Rotary began. Each Rotary Club is unique in how it goes about its service work/activities, how it is organised and how it is perceived by its community and neighbouring Rotary clubs.
How a club practises “Service Above Self” can be dependent on the president of the day, the most influential personality or the member with the most time or the most ideas, but Club Vision offers the opportunity for all members to be part of the planning for the club.
The Club Vision Facilitation Program assists clubs to develop a shared vision and long-range plans for their future progress towards that vision. Using independent, trained Rotary facilitators, the process encourages consensus amongst members with consistency and continuity of strategic planning over a 3 year period. The setting of goals in a group setting builds camaraderie and fosters agreement toward a vision. Club planning is no longer left to an enthusiastic few.
The outcome of a Vision Facilitation session is not decided by Rotary International or your Rotary District. It is a unique vision designed and agreed to by the club’s own members.
After a four-hour vision session, members will have prioritised specific goals, reached agreement on what their club stands for, set a three-year target for membership, identified their club’s attributes, identified three objectives for each area of focus and their involvement with the Rotary Foundation.