The Rotary Leadership Institute Program (RLI) presents a wonderful opportunity for experienced Rotarians, new members and indeed people interested in finding out more about Rotary to take some time to experience the history, current and new initiatives related to this great organisation we call Rotary.
How's this for glowing recommendation: Glenda Bryson: "I was amazed by how much I didn't know about Rotary, 15+ years after joining, all because I stepped up & participated in R.L.I. in 2020. This program will enhance your knowledge to help you become better advocates of the brand & may even refresh your 'reason that you stay in Rotary'. Short sessions enable you to retain the information too." Ken Maxfield: "Agreed ... 40 years into my Rotary life and I was brought up to date. Worth every minute." Rotary Leadership Institute | District 9800 ( |