"Friends, to live for others, to care for others and change their lives is the best way to live our own lives. Just as Albert Einstein said, "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."
After a challenging year of Covid lockdowns, it is great to be returning to a level of normality with the arrival of Christmas and the holiday season.
December has seen a mix of club visits, showcasing District projects, post-Covid Christmas events, and finally, despite Covid challenges, nominating Albury to host the Rotary District 9800 'Let's Get Together' Conference being held on 22nd to 24th April next year!
Daylesford Rotarian Peter Waters, a 52-year-old Hepburn Springs resident is living with cerebral palsy and confined to a motorised wheelchair. Peter joined Rotary on the basis he wasn’t a token member and wanted to actively contribute to his community, raise awareness of people living with a disability, (visible and invisible) and to hopefully create more action rather than empty promises. Peter recently organised the Rotary Club of Daylesford Disability information night to raise the profile of disability issues in the community confronted by Peter on a daily basis.
Save the Date' and join us for our District 9800 ‘Let's Get Together’ Conference in Albury. Help us celebrate post lockdown in what will be a wonderful opportunity for Rotarians to get together for this exciting event on our Rotary Calendar.
As an initial project, “Project W, Water for Education” has partnered with Rotary Keilor East, Rotary Passport Melbourne (RPM), Disaster Aid Australia, and Cambodia Rural Students Trust (CRST), an NGO in Siem Reap, to installAustralian-made SkyHydrant filtration systems in four rural schools.
At an average cost of $5,000 per school (or around $0.35 per year), clean water can be provided to the whole school population.
Thanks to the support of a District Grant and Rotary Daylesford, the students of the Daylesford Dharma School now have a “Meditation Garden” consisting of herb and tea plantings: a garden that engenders a calm and peaceful environment and quiet contemplation.
District 9800 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is returning as a face to face program in February 2022. RYLA is a leadership program for young people aged 18 to 25 which focuses on personal growth, leadership development and community.
After delivering a successful online program in early 2021, we are delighted to be delivering our week-long residential program at Camp Getaway in Axedale, Victoria from Sunday February 13th to Saturday February 19th 2022.