After a 3-year suspension due to COVID-19, District 9800 is pleased to see the return of the Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) program throughout the Rotary world.
RYE is a premier program of Rotary International and when in full swing, around 8,000 students participate globally in this educational and cultural exchange. As countries restart the program, these numbers are quickly ramping up and next year the program will be back to full strength. Recently, District 9800 welcomed students from Finland, Germany, Denmark, and two from Spain, all of whom are settling in well with their host club families and starting a new school experience.
Simultaneously, applications were called for outbound students departing January 2024 with selection now completed. The District Youth Exchange committee is well underway conducting extensive training to prepare students for what 12 months in a new country will bring. District 9800 will be sending students to Finland, Germany, Denmark, France, Spain, Brazil and for a first in our District, a student to Czech Republic and one to Italy.
A weekend camp held at Riddells Creek brought together the vibrant minds of the inbound students and those outbound from the district in 2024 with the Inbound students already immersing themselves in the Australian culture and forging unforgettable friendships. The outbound participants are preparing to share their unique perspectives and make a mark on the global stage.
Josephine Falzarano (District Youth Services Chair) must be thanked for her attendance and input. Parents, host parents, club representatives and the committee must also be acknowledged for their contribution in making this exchange an experience to remember.
As with all Rotary programs the wheel does not stop and in early 2024 we will again be seeking host clubs for the July 2024 inbound students. Again, applications will be sought for outbound students for departure in January 2025. The objective is to provide a unique and effective Rotary-supported educational and cultural opportunity, whilst promoting goodwill, peace and understanding. District 9800 supports students, both outbound and inbound, and is always looking for involvement from new clubs.
Would your club benefit from hosting a young person from one of the countries now involved in Youth Exchange? It is not too early for clubs to start thinking about hosting an inbound student in 2024. The Youth Exchange committee invites your club’s interest and can provide a guest speaker at a club meeting with more details – just ask! Clubs are encouraged to look outside their own members for host families; many would this opportunity, and in many cases, they have joined Rotary through the experience. As a starting point, play the following short video:
To learn more about Rotary Youth Exchange from a committee member or a current student, contact: Liz Pethica or Garry Gunnell