World of Difference offers three opportunities to make a difference in Cambodia during January 2021. 
There are three Tours available, A Skills Transfer Tour, a Hands On Tour and a Humanitarian and Cultural Immersion Tours. 
Something for everyone interested in making a World of Difference.

3rd  - 16th January  - Skills Transfer Tour

10th-22nd January  - Working Together (Hands On) Tour

16th–31st January  - Humanitarian and Cultural Immersion Tour



Local teachers in two remote communities have identified that without professional development they struggle to maintain enthusiasm and contemporary knowledge.  We will gently assist in classroom mentoring,dental hygiene lessons, hand and toilet hygiene and safe water assessments. 
Contact tour leader Bronwyn Stephens 0410 324 537 or


Rotary Chadstone East Malvern is leading a World of Difference to the village of La’ak about 3 hours out of Siem Reap. The tour will involve focused project work in one village with a mix of intense hands on work and relaxation back in Siem Reap.
Project activities in La’ak will be selected from the four-year village transformation plan managed by Build Your Future Today (Cambodian NGO led by Cambodians).  You will be immersed in village life in very remote Cambodia where the standard of facilities is so low that we need to stay in the nearest regional centre.
Contact tour leader Paul Rake 0409 937 080 or


Rotary Hawthorn will explore several volunteering opportunities as well as historical and cultural unique aspects of Cambodia for 14 days. Participants will journey from Phnom Penh to Kampong Speu then fly to Siem Reap where Kulen Phnom an ancient wonder of the world in Angor Wat awaits.
Contrasts from day to day on this trip range from volunteering in remote schools,developing safe water programs, building toilets and exploring a possible global grant orthopaedic medical facility. Places are very limited on this tour
Contact tour leader  Katrina Flinn   0417 475 415 or
As with all World of Difference trips every dollar is used in Cambodia direct to fund project endeavours.  This Rotary District 9800 Managed Project news can be found at